All about Popcorn
Popcorn is a delicious as well as nutritious food and staple crop that stands the test of time. It is also a sacred and culturally essential plant.
We all know popcorn as a food that brings us joy. It is nostalgic, reminding us of sharing movies together, traditions, and we know it as an accent to our celebrations. It is a food that has stood the test of time and has evolved with us. Our lives are inextricably linked with corn, and specifically popcorn!
For thousands of years popcorn has grown and been eaten on this continent. It is a staple crop and foundational for the cultures and people who have inhabited these fertile lands. Indigenous Tribes of Abya Yala (South America) & Turtle Island (North American) use popcorn in a variety of ways. In addition to popping it, popcorn is utilized in soup, hot cereal, flour and beer. It is even used as decoration on clothing, jewelry, and for ceremonial rituals and offerings. The story and significance of popcorn goes back 10,000 years, and our hope is that it continues on for 10,000 more.
At Gateway Farm we have been entrusted with heritage popcorn seed from Anishinaabe & Lakota elders to grow on our farm. These seeds have passed from hand to hand and soil to soil for generations. We are honored to continue the preservation of these essential and sacred seeds.
Here are resources for you to learn more about POPCORN:
Aztec Gold: Watch The History And Science Of Popcorn, NPR
The corn chronicles: Why popcorn is so popular, Britannica
All About Popcorn,
Heritage Popcorn from 2024
How to Clean Popcorn off the Cob
By Hand (Video here) - In a pan or tote with high sides - Remove two rows longways down the entire cobb, pushing the kernels out of the cob with your thumbs. Then, rotate the cob sideways and continue pushing the long rows of kernels off the cob till you have completed the whole cob.
With a simple angled wood block (learn how to make it here) - With your hands and the popcorn cob in a pan or tote with high sides, scrape the kernels off the cobs with the angled wood block tool.
How to make popcorn
Popcorn and delicious spice blends can be found at our Farm Stand!
On the Stove
Prepare preferred seasonings first, so you can put them on while the popcorn is still hot!
Heat a wide medium to thick bottomed pot or skillet over medium-high heat. Ensure the pan is completely dry and has a lid.
Place a few popcorn kernels in the pan and cover. Make sure the lid has a vent hole or is left cracked. Do not leave the stove at this point—stay close and pay attention!
When the few kernels start to pop, add the rest of them, cover again, and cook until the remaining kernels pop, shaking now and then. Turn down the heat a bit as the popping slows. Remove from heat when the popping is every few seconds.
Immediately transfer the popcorn to a large bowl and add seasonings.
“Popcorn Pro-tip: Skip the Oil - Pop your popcorn in a dry pan or skillet with no oil. Controversial, I know, but I find that popping popcorn in hot oil increases the likelihood of burnt popcorn and dead kernels. Dry pan popping results in beautiful light popcorn that provides the perfect blank canvas for all your favorite seasonings.” (
In the Microwave
On the cob or as loose kernels
Place popcorn kernels or a cob of kernels (without the husk) in a lunch bag sized paper bag.
Roll the top down at least 3 times to get a good seal.
Place the bag in the microwave and cook on high for 2-4 min (2:15-2:30 min is a pretty average time for most microwaves).
When done remove from microwave. Open the bag, and remove the remaining cob.
Immediately top with your favorite seasoning blend.
Trail mix
It is as simple as mixing salted popcorn with your favorite dried fruits, nuts and seeds.
Dried apples, raisins, cranberries, cherries, pineapple, and banana chips make great sweet additions. Pecans, Walnuts, Macadamia, Peanuts, Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are great proteins and healthy fats to fill out your mix.
Popcorn Flour!
“Use a small bowl food processor or blender, as the popcorn is very light and will float away from the blade if given too much room in the bowl. Pulse until the popped popcorn is completely pulverized and relatively smooth.” (
Link to a article and recipe for the best popcorn flour cornbread
Breakfast Bowl
Popcorn was a common breakfast food in Colonial America, similar to modern cereals like corn flakes and rice crisps. It was often eaten with milk, cream, and sugar. Additional toppings included fresh fruit, nuts, and cinnamon.
To eat popcorn as cereal, place it in a bowl and pour cold milk of choice over it. You can also add your favorite toppings, such as dried or fresh fruit, nuts, and coconut flakes.
Popcorn Seasoning Blends
Butter/Olive oil, Salt, Nutritional Yeast
Salt, Pepper, Sage, Parmesan Cheese
Mist with vinegar of choice & sprinkle with Gateway Farm Dill Salt
Butter, Salt and Maple Sugar
More ideas can be found here:
We hope this information gets you thinking a bit more about the food you eat as well as where and how it is grown, its story, and how it is prepared. Our food heritage is essential to our survival and joy.
Popcorn is grown at Gateway Farm as part of the Garden Juju Collection of heritage seeds and stories.
Heritage popcorn and Iraqi Watermelon growing together at Gateway Farm