How to Prepare Dried Beans

Beans are delicious, nutritious and frugal way to enrich your diet with protein, fiber and flavor.

Why choose dried beans

Storing dried beans is more space effective than canned, and comes with a variety of potential health benefits: less exposure to BPA-lined cans, ability to control the amount of sodium in your beans, and they taste better, meaning they’re more likely to be eaten! Also the most obvious difference between buying canned vs dried beans is the cost savings. The ratio of dried beans to cooked beans is generally 1:3, meaning that one cup of dried beans will yield about three cups of cooked beans. And 1 pound dried beans: Yields about 6 cups cooked beans.

Cooking Preparation

Before cooking, be sure to pick through and discard any discolored or shriveled beans, as well as foreign debris. Discard beans that float when combined with water before soaking.

*Soaking beans before cooking increases digestibility, decreases cooking time, and improves texture. There are a few different techniques, depending on your time constraints. Adding a teaspoon of baking soda to the soaking water can help the digestability as well.

Hot Soak: In a large pot, add 10 cups of water per 2 cups of dry beans. Heat to boiling, boil for 2–3 minutes.

Remove from heat, cover and soak for up to 4 hours. In a rush? Follow these directions and soak for at least 1 hour before cooking.

Overnight Soak: Place dry beans in a large container; per 2 cups of beans, add 10 cups of cold water. Cover and refrigerate 8 hours or overnight.

After soaking, rinse under cool water, then it’s time to cook! Times may vary depending on the type of bean and how long it was soaked.

Cover with fresh water in a large pot and bring to boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer gently until beans are tender but firm. Periodically, try a taste test or mash a bean against the side of the pot with a fork or spoon. Add more water as needed to keep beans covered.

Adding herbs and spices? Wait to add flavorings until the the last 15-20 minutes of cooking to help preserve flavor. Wait to add acidic foods until the beans are finished cooking.

What about lentils? Skip the soaking and simmer until tender, about 30 minutes.

Some great Recipes to try:

Hearty Bean Soup

How to Make Hummus

Lentil Loaf

Spicy Maple Roasted Carrots with Crispy Chickpeas & Yogurt Sauce

Caramelized Fennel, Swiss Chard & Chickpea Stew

Winter Squash & Three Bean Chili

Vegan Lentil Potato Stew

Cabbage Lentil Stew

Easy Refied Beans

The Best Saucy Baked Beans


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